My "why" is a couple things: I find odd things interesting and maybe others might think the same way. Does my image make you stop and think about life in a different way? Does it make you question the world? Do you take a closer look at the details of a subject? Did it make you laugh? I think stopping to take a moment and really study what is around us, seeing humor in the odd or imaginative perception of life, can bring joy, laughter, or just deep thought. I want to share these feelings with others and hope I can inspire more people to explore their ideas and creativity in their own ways.

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I have struggled with my "why" lately. Maybe because I have been away from art for more than a year, other than small projects here and there. Maybe because I am struggling to see and think creatively. Probably both and more. I have started small (thanks Ron) and am working to bring those muscles back. I think my "why" used to be THE CREATION OF THE NEXT THING. An iteration on the last, the last with a new twist. Maybe that is part CURIOSITY and part GETTING BETTER, but not sure either of these fit well. Tonight I will continue small and ponder my "why".

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This post is a great prompt for me to explore my why. I think my why is a puzzle, with different sized pieces that change with time.I’m why as a teenager is different than my why as a 62 year old. Pieces of my why are about communication of feelings, self exploration, being noticed, becoming proficient with the tools of the craft, and other pieces that are smaller now, but will likely grow as I do. The why is a step to where is my art going, and will it matter after I’m gone? I’m doing a bit of journaling to collect my thoughts and have a better compass heading for 2024.

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I just got some "why" feedback that made smile. A relative of my wife liked a photo of their adult child with my wife so much that they made a print to have on their wall. That kind of appreciation of my photo is cool, that I made a difference in their life, brought them some happiness even if it is a fleeting moment. Like a random act of kindness both ways.

One thing I've been pondering is putting images on creative commons, so that my images could help others do their projects, that might bring the same good feelings to me. Because I already got what I wanted making and viewing the images.

Merry Christmas!

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